Evidente frukostseminarium

Evidentes frukostseminarium i November handlade om cybersäkerhet med fokus på inbyggda system och dom nya lagkrav som kommit inom området. Kunderna som deltog kom från ett flertal olika branscher. Kraven och medvetenheten inom cybersäkerhet har ökat väsentligt det senaste året, kunskap inom området är avgörande om man skall lyckas. Missade ni detta tillfälle och vill veta […]

No safety without security

Are you seeking a partner that can help you with both safety and security? At Evidente we have extensive experience in helping our customers addressing both the safety and security requirements for their embedded products. Evidente can help you on all levels – management, overall systemization and implementation. We have thorough experience from previously performed […]

Cybersecurity for medical devices

The EU medical device regulation (MDR) has been in effect since 2017, but it was only in December 2019 that the medical device coordination group (MDCG) released their ”Guidance on Cybersecurity for medical devices” which clarified without a doubt that cybersecurity concerns must also be addressed as part of the MDR risk management strategy. Evidente […]

Released standard ISO/SAE 21434

Are you required to meet the UN regulation (no. 155) for cybersecurity provisions concerning vehicle type approval? One way to reach the approval is to comply with the newly released standard “ISO/SAE 21434 – Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering”. Evidente can support you in this journey and we are offering a full day introduction course […]

Cyber security risk mitigation

Evidente performs Cyber Security Risk Mitigation Planning for our customers. A detailed report includes possible cyber security threats, attack trees, identified gaps in mitigations and a proposed plan on how to close the mitigation gaps. The methodology was developed by Evidente and is based on de-facto standards and best practices. We performed the latest of […]


Styrelsen i Evidente AB har utsett Martin Sahlin till ny VD för Evidente AB från och med 1 aug 2021. Martin kommer närmast från en roll som teknikområdeschef och del i företagsledningen på Evidente AB. ”Vi är mycket glada att Martin tar över rollen som VD för Evidente AB. Med sitt starka fokus på Evidentes […]

Cyber security solution

Evidente has successfully performed a number of assignments within cyber security. Recently Evidente delivered a complete security solution for an industrial control platform that is robust and reliable. The solution integrates security from the ground up, including initial secure device provisioning and secure boot, signed and verified software updates, and it utilizes a trusted execution […]

Cyber security regulations

As you may know, a new UN regulation (no. 155) for cybersecurity provisions concerning vehicle type approval will be enforced through national regulations in coming years. One way to meet these legal requirements is to comply with the upcoming standard “ISO/SAE 21434 – Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering”. Evidente is involved in the standardization work […]

Seminar – Safety and security

We wish Aljoscha good luck on his seminar at the AutoSec conference on Thursday!Aljoscha will present similarities and differences of ISO 26262 (safety) and ISO/SAE DIS 21434 (security).https://fkg.se/aktiviteter/autosec-yearly-conference/

Common cryptography mistakes for software engineers

On Wednesday May 20th, Evidente security expert Aljoscha Lautenbach is premiering his speech about cryptography for software engineers at the Embedded online conference. Don’t miss it! https://www.embeddedonlineconference.com/session/Common_cryptography_mistakes_for_software_engineers